Personal USE
- Download the app
- Scan a driving licence or passport
- Verify your age to retailers
- Keep your documents organised
- Simple, safe, secure.
For BusinessES
From £2.20
- Fulfil your AML obligations
- Choose the KYC products you require
- Commercial terms available
- App or Web version
- Your clients retain their iDWallet
- No contracts or restrictions.

“This is a gamechanger!! Not having to carry around my wallet for ID would be a massive improvement to life!’ Rob

“I’m 55 and have carried my driving licence around with me in my phone case for the last few years… but storing the data electronically on my phone makes so much more sense in this day and age!” Peter

“My wife and I bought a house and we both had to verify our ID… and after we’d done that the data was stored in our IDWallet. So the verification fee has been useful afterall” Chris & Sue