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0345 603 0708 is a trading style of Legal Brokers Ltd. We are registered with the Information Commissioners Office (Z1474754), COPSO, and the Financial Conduct Authority (552720).   


Frequently Asked Questions

I'm being challenged about my age in supermarkets, will iDWallet help ?

Yes, when you download the app our technology will allow you to upload a copy of your driving licence or passport, along with a selfie, and that will provide you with an “age stamp” you can show to the retailers staff.

If I'm challenged about my age or ID how can iDWallet back me up ?

The app will have your picture on it, it will also have a hologram of authenticity, and best of all it will have a QR code. Those doubting you can scan the QR code and it will redirect to our Servers which will flash back the image we have of you.

I have my passport and always carry my driving licence with me so why do I need an iDWallet ?

If you’re a teenager why should have to risk taking your passport or driving licence out with you on a night out ? And if you’re an older person do you ever worry about losing your passport or driving licence, but still want access to it ? So why not simply download the app and have instant access to the data ?

Do I really need to download an app ?

In our modern world downloading apps has become the norm’ for the younger generation. And yet we also offer a web based system that allows individuals to complete their ID verification online (without having to download anything).

I'm buying a house and need to confirm my ID for the estate agent and solicitor, can you help ?

Yes. Our system forms both the app and the wallet & our technology partners have been accredited by HMG, specifically the UK Government’s Office for Product Safety. Confirming a person’s ID is becoming standard procedure for a multitude of businesses.

Will I need a smart phone to get the app ?

Yes, and it’s fair to say the vast majority of users have smart phones. A person can also complete their ID verification process by using our web based system and firing their webcam into life. 

Is ID verification a fad that will pass ?

Unfortunately, not… ID is required in post offices, supermarkets, cinemas, tattoo parlours, cattle auctions, dating sites, to vote in UK elections, etc, etc, and in the future we can see electronic ID being used to travel internationally as an electronic passport. 

What can I put in my iDWallet ?

The system has been designed to allow you to upload passports, driving licences, and myriad other documents you’d ordinarily keep in a traditional wallet or purse.

Is iDWallet a safe place to store my data ?

Yes. Our servers are encrypted and no one has access to them. Your data is not harvested for marketing purposes, either. It’s your data and yours alone.

Can I restrict access to my iDWallet if I'm on a night out ?

Indeed. Some people like the facial recognition element to turn the app on, and others like the security of a pin code. So if you’re on a night out, as an example, switch the pin code access on and if you maybe get a little tipsy no one can gain access to your data if they take your phone and your picture… They’ll need to know your pin code, so don’t give it them !

We're a business, can we use iDWallet to verify our clients ID ?

Another yes. Different businesses require different levels of authentication and our platform will allow you to build sufficient elements into the platform to tick the KYC (Know Your Clients) boxes and ensure your business is safe and secure.

Are there people I can speak to if I have a problem ?

Please call us on 0345 603 0708 if you have any problems or concerns. And if you’re a business looking to source an ID provider we’d be happy to speak to you and talk through how we can help.