
Welcome onboard

Congratulations on choosing iDWallet as both a mechanism to store wallet data, and to confirm your age and ID. The app is intended to be used throughout the English speaking world by those looking for a digital solution to a paper problem.  

The Wallet feature

This is specific to your device and any data you chose to upload is stored on your device. We do not copy or back up the information on our Servers.

Why ? Because it’s private to you and belongs to you. 

Facial scans

As part of the biometric facial recognition software the system will both scan your face, carry out a liveness check (so don’t be afraid to blink), and then match your face to a primary form of ID such as a driving licence or passport.

Additionally, the scan of the document will read the data and confirm your age and ID.  

Age Categories

At present we have three age categories. Over 18, Over 25, and ID Verified. This latter group is for all individuals over 30. When you complete the biometric scan, and the system matches it against the document, your dashboard will reflect your age category.  

ID & QR code verification

If a third party wants confirmation of your age or ID they can consider a number of things;

1. We are a company called Legal Brokers Ltd, we are based in the UK, and have been trading for over 15 years. We are registered with the Information Commissioners Office (Z1474754), COPSO, and the Financial Conduct Authority (552720). is a brand of ours. Individuals or businesses who want reassurancing about our status as a data provider can call us via 0345 603 0708.

2. Our system has matched your face to an official document.

3. On the dashboard screen there is a hologram which proves that the screen is not simply a jpg file that has been manipulated. ie. it is an active document.

4. If a third party wants to see a copy of your driving licence or passport, the system will allow you to show that document by simply pressing the View ID button on your dashboard.

If you click the image it will rotate and allow the viewer to closely review the document. Additionally, they can zoom in to check it hasn’t been doctored.

5. In the event the third party still isn’t convinced, you can click the QR Confirmation button and that will allow them to scan the QR code. By doing so their device will take them to our Server which will confirm their age status, that the account is active, it will state the document scanned, and confirm when the account was created. 

6. If the third party wants documentation for their files you can add their email address to the “Share via email” box. By triggering that they will receive an email confirming that you have been challenged and in response our Server has confirmed your details courtesy of a 100 point biometric scan that has matched your image to your photo ID.

7. And finally, for those who think their biometric scan doesn’t portray them at their best (as is generally the case with official ID pictures) you can add a profile picture that helps show the world how you wish to be seen. This is relevant because it’s frequently the case that individuals do not look like their driving licence or passport…. so it makes sense to offer third parties the choice of seeing you with your current hairstyle or “look”, safe in the knowledge the biometric scan has already confirmed your ID. 

The technology

ID and age verification has come along way. Our technology relies on 3d liveness checks (which are much more secure than 2d checks) that assess the 100 video frames taken during the scanning process. In conjunction with this approach we also use OCR software to read the data on a person’s driving licence or passport. Ultimately, the software is in use over 500,000 times a day worldwide, so we must be doing something right. 

Next level data sharing

Aside from sharing your basic ID status we can provide our Gold, Silver & Bronze ID checks to businesses. These confirm Mortality, Address, PEP sanctions, biometric status. They range in cost from £2.20 + VAT to £10.00 + VAT, with the latter offering property lawyers what is known as, “Safe Harbour protection”. This will protect them against claims by HMRC’s Land Registry.

Biometric Technology

Match the image of the user’s face to their ID document photo with cutting-edge biometric face matching technology.

Fast  and friendly

The process should take no longer than a couple of minutes. And your details will be safely stowed in your iDWallet app for future use.


All data is stored securely on our encrypted servers. Individual clients can keep their data in their iDWallet indefinitely.

Still Have A Question?

0345 603 0708

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